ADN Business Continuity

ADN Datacenters



Better safe than sorry. Any failure in your systems might lead to undesired results. ADN Datacenters has monitoring systems operating on a 24/7/365 basis, as well as specialized staff – which ensures the proper operations of equipment and applications critical to your business, thereby allowing for a timely detection of such failures and the implementation of the appropriate solution before such failures become a real issue for your organization.

ADN Datacenters offers a reliable and effective option to monitor the proper operation of your infrastructure, providing a customizable option according to the number of equipment, applications or interfaces you need to control.



Detail of the different elements integrating our services


  • Basic Server Monitoring: monitors response times, memory use, processor and disc space. Provides reports on server status (UP and DOWN), as well as the status of up to 3 network cards.
  • Network Interface Monitoring: proper operation of the interface.
  • Websites Monitoring: monitors UP status (site load) and the proper display of the specific URL.
  • Monitoring of Application Ports: monitors the operations of specific application ports.
  • Application Monitoring: monitors the proper operation of applications, such as SQL, Exchange, etc.
  • Monitoreo Básico Equipos de Redes: se monitorean tiempos de respuesta, utilización de memoria, procesador y espacio en discos. Se reporta el estatus del equipo (UP y DOWN), así como el estatus de hasta 3 tarjetas de red.
  • Basic Monitoring of Network Hardware: monitors response times, use of memory, processor and disc space. Provides report on hardware status (UP and DOWN), as well as the status of up to 3 network cards.
  • Network Performance Monitoring: monitors in-network operation of routers or switches, which allows measuring performance in terms of links and intranet connectivity.
  • Monthly Report: Monthly report which consolidates the information of all monitored applications and devices

Backup and Recovery


Performing a backup on your business’ key information is of the essence, but recovering such data on time it’s even more important. Our solution allows you to recover information in record time and in a granular manner from anywhere in the world.

ADN Datacenters provides an extremely efficient and low-cost online backup and recovery service. Our services are capable of performing backups for most of the operational systems in the market, which ensures that the most relevant information of your company is secure inside our vault.

Our backup services use Internet to convey your company’s information in a fully encrypted and granular manner, which makes it possible to keep your data automatically updated and with minimum bandwidth consumption.

Forget about any other backup methods and try our backup and recovery services today.





Technology has become an essential part of different business models. This makes information and services availability to become even more critical to the activities of most organizations.

Over recent years we have witnessed an increased number of information technologies, which have resulted in companies increasingly and significantly depending upon technology when it comes to their operations. Based on the foregoing and on each industry’s regulations, organizations are in the pursuit of solutions that might ensure the recovery of their services in the event of failure and within a reasonable amount of time, without having an impact on the organization’s productivity.

At ADN Datacenters we provide customized replication and recovery solutions that suit your company’s needs. Our services include the replication of files, databases, virtual machines, and your data center, while working as an alternative operations site.





When a disaster happens and you are not ready for it, the results may be devastating. ADN Datacenters develops and implements business continuity plans that suit companies’ needs, which may be located locally or abroad.

ADN Datacenters offers a wide range of options to help you mitigate a contingency and ensures the continuity of your business, using server replication schemes, data backup and recovery, or either physical infrastructure to host your staff in the event of a contingency.

These services are designed for companies that cannot afford to stop their operations and need the highest possible service availability levels.

These types of solutions are designed with basis on each client’s RTO and RPO, and may adjust to their time, processing and performance needs.

As in the replication service, ADN Datacenters provides a customized service that suits your company; thus learning about the business and the primary operations of each organization is of the essence.